The bank was looking for a website that was innovative, informative and one that conformed to their brand ethos. The bank wanted to make the new website the main hub for customers. All the business information like interactions with customers, branches, services, etc. had to be easily accessible and maintained.
We developed a website that provided the following features for customers. The general public or prospective customers could access general information, services details, search for branch and timings, inquiries, access location maps, basic rate information and public e-services while existing customers could log in for their core banking transactions, make enquiries and access a host of new features. The website was designed and built with a custom content management system in mind, to aid easy site and user administration along with simplified page creation and updating, and collection of statistical data for reporting. Each web page has been individually designed in conjunction with the client’s requirements, and tuned for optimal performance across a range of devices and screen resolutions.
The innovative and informative website provided an enhanced user experience to both existing and new users alike. Enhanced security features and a flawless user journey mean that the customer engagement rates went up substantially. From the bank’s perspective, the responsive website was content manageable and multi-lingual supporting both Arabic and English.